Otakara Jeremiáše 6235/38
708 00 Ostrava – Poruba
In addition to its activities within the Czech Republic, the NATIONAL WOOD PROCESING CLUSTERis increasingly focusing on the cooperation and promotion of its activities at international level. For this purpose, the cluster is implementing projects that contribute to strengthen, but also to establish new cooperation with foreign clusters, research organizations and other partners active in the energy industry. Through the cooperation and cluster participation in the international partner networks, joint international research and development projects under the programs CORNET, HORIZON 2020 and INTERREG V-A are also implemented.
NATIONAL WOOD PROCESING CLUSTERestablished cooperation with Fraunhofer IWU - The leading institute for resource-efficient production in 2014.
As a leading institute for resource-efficient production within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft they are scientific research and development partner for the future industries of automobile and mechanical engineering. Since 25 years, the main focus of their work has been on application-oriented research and development in the field of production technology for the automotive and mechanical engineering sectors. They not only develop intelligent production systems for the manufacturing of car body and powertrain components, but they also optimize their related forming and cutting manufacturing processes.
Over 550 highly qualified employees conduct research at sites in Chemnitz, Dresden and Zittau, investigating sunrise industries such as automotive and mechanical engineering, aerospace industry or medical engineering, but also electrical engineering, precision engineering and micro technology.
The cluster cooperates with the institute mentioned above on preparation of common projects in the field of research and development within the CORNET and Horizon 2020 programme. The cooperation is supported by mean of joint activities which enable to share knowledge and experience in the field of wooden materials, constructions and buildings. Currently joint working meetings, study visits to abroad and promotion events of National Wood Processing Cluster for selected institutes within maternity research organisation Fraunhofer Gesselschaft are organised. Within these events the cluster activities will be presented to invited partners.
At present time a cooperation on development of energy-independent solution for multifloor buildings – mostly wooden buildings is being prepared. The research counts with design of construction solution of building with very low energy consumption to be possible to effectively construct and utilise an independent energy solution. This solution will be designed as intelligent energy system which will be connected to all technical facilities of the building and by mean of smart system its operation will be managed to savings and maximal utilisation of energy from renewable resources.